Thursday, 2 August 2007


Day 13 in the big brother house. Today I had the pleasure of 2 filings courtesy of my dad. When I say courtesty of my dad he isn't a dentist but he paid for me to go private. Had I have waited, not only would I probably need root canal but I would have to wait til November seeing as that was the next available Nhs dental appointment. So thankfully all feeling has returned to my mouth but £85 has left my dad's pocket. £85 I tell you, that will nearly buy you a new engine. The children have been slightly mad today so I definitely think that we need to get out tomorrow. My friend has kindly invited us round hers but I think that she may have seen the error of her ways as I haven't spoken to her since and there is a for sale board outside her house. Only joking, well there is a for sale sign outside her house but that is nothing to do with me. When she had a party for her son who is the same age as the terrible twins, they ran up to her door full of excitement, that is until they heard the sound of the dog barking and then they both legged straight back to the car as fast as their little legs would carry them. For some reason the children are terrified of dogs, even if they are on a lead. There are two conditions of my getting a dog, firstly it would have to wear socks or shoes when it went outside and secondly no licking of specific body parts, no way, not happening thank you very much. So the chances of us getting a dog are probably on a par to us winning the lottery, and I won't be holding my breath just yet. We have a fairly tame weekend planned seeing as the next birthday is 18 odd days away so just the norm of washing and ironing, how the other half live, I say.


The World According To Me said...

Hello Patience of a Saint.

I think I am in the wrong profession, dentists must be rich if that's how much they charge these days!

Still, as you say, it's better than root canal. Or a poke in the eye with s sharp stick.

patience of a saint said...

Oh so true, maybe that should be my career when all the little birdies have flown the nest. I am sure that I got preferential treatment when I was a paying guest, still hurt though.