Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Them bones

I am unsure about all this 'facebook' lark. I was introduced to it by my 14 year old friends daughter. At that point and still, I thought of it as, and at the risk of sounding 'old', childish. She had led me into a life of throwing pies and other unsavoury items. I have spoken about it to my flying pink elephant blog friend and another midwife friend and we are all slightly unsure. My friend Louise came round today with her daughter and she logged me onto it under her name and, as well as throwing pies I noticed that you can 'poke' people. So, I gave her boyfriend a 'poke' in the strictly finger prodding sense and not in the sexual fashion as we are both dubious of what this means. Maybe I am expecting too much and to 'poke' someone just means that. Who knows? And who cares?

Although I am indeed a lover of new technology it amazes me how quick things are picked up. A bit like Friends Reunited and eBay. I am not a member of friends reunited as I believe that if you have not stayed in contact whilst leaving school/college/uni than that friendship surely did not have staying power. My best friend and I have known each other since playgroup. We went to the same Infant and Junior school but different senior schools and we are still as close then as we are now, these friendship bonds are not made to be broken. And if there surely is a time to move on to new friend pastures green then senior school is that time.

I just wish I had the forward thinking to be part of this new technology, I mean eBay must have made the owners billions. I think that if you are that way inclined then you have always been interested in making money. Richard Branson (Virgin empire) was apparently told at school that he would amount to nothing and so it reads on his school report. Well how wrong could that teacher be? I will just stick to all the boring things I think, like cooking and cleaning as we are all lucky in different ways. We are lucky to have our beautiful children no matter how noisy they are, as I am sure that some people long to hear the laughter of children echoing through their house. Some people must long for a husband or wife to share their lives with, and no matter how much money you earn and in the words of the Beatles 'can't buy me love' I will stick with what I know as I think I am the luckiest person alive.

Today's medical fact; At birth we have over 300 bones. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones.

That is alot of bones.


The World According To Me said...

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk aroun'
Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun'
Dem bones, dem bones, gonna walk aroun'
I hear the word of the Lord!

300 bones is a lot of bones.

Apart from being lucky to have me as a friend(!) you are a lucky lovely person indeed, you have your husband and your children and your house of love.

Who needs to throw pies and poke people when you have love in your life.

patience of a saint said...

Right on sister, I am indeed a lucky girl. Did you know that little ryhme off by heart?

More importantly did you video heroes?

The World According To Me said...

Looked the ryhme up on the net! Sad but true.

I was sitting in my room watching heroes last night when our mutal friend Claire rang and we started gassing. So I missed it! Think I am doomed with that programme!

Your toe bone connected to your foot bone,
Your foot bone connected to your ankle bone,
Your ankle bone connected to your leg bone,
Your leg bone connected to your knee bone...
I hear the word of the Lord!

patience of a saint said...

Don't be doomed with it, last night was a good one as it gave you lots of background info. I blame Claire.

Thanks for that lovely little ditty.
You still hearing the word of the lord?

Katherine said...

I always learn something about anatomy when I visit you, Patience. Which is a good thing, since I had to drop out. It was the "punctured-fetal-pig-stomach" incident that did it to me. So I will depend on you now.

E-Bay just ROCKS! Can I tell you how many good deals I get on kids' clothes there? I mean, 21 tops for under $2.00 apiece and that is WITH shipping? And for me, three outfitst for about $10.00 apiece? It's the modern day consignment shopping but you always find what you want. LOVE IT!!!

To me, Facebook is for kids. That's about the only time I will admit to getting older. Well, it sometimes also hits me when I think, My GOD. I have a 10 year old.

The World According To Me said...

Where are you medical patience woman? I'm missing you!

Hope all is well with you and your lovely family. xx